Career Choices In Nigeria Students Should Know Before School Admission

  Career is any profession an individual is totally into. A career determines the roles people play through out their lifetime. Such roles are have codes and ethics which governs the actions of the people involved in it depending on different subjects or areas one must have studied, learned, and practiced from. This actually means that careers are studied, learnt, and practiced in Jobs and various occupation by the people who chose them. 

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It doesn't seem to be in Nigeria alone, but students at a particular level in education are often faced with the difficulty of understanding what career is, what careers are available for choice, which career will be fit or okay for them. It seriously begins when you have an admission into the university, college of education polytechnic, and other tertiary schools institutions .

Career Guide for Nigerians
Career Guide

Why You Need To Choose A Career

Before anyone gets to realize himself, such a person will have to choose a career, focus and work hard on building it, and then succeed and be certified to be good in it. After succeeding and being certified, what you require is to live that good and legit life you have always wanted to. Before any one is out on the mission of realizing self, he has already, some set goals; when this set goals are fulfilled as a result of the processes that led to self realization, it becomes self actualization - You've made your dream come true. 

So, to begin, you'll have to choose a career you'll be happy with all the days of your life. A career which you are sure will always give you the pleasure you deserve.

Subjects And Career

In Nigeria and same like other places in the world, there are national policies in the education sector that controls education to meet up with the changes perceived in the country so that jobs and employment can go around for everyone qualifed for it by education. 

In Nigeria, The National Policy on Education and the New Curriculum Structure is what provides guidelines on choice of career as the subjects being taught in senior secondary schools are related to careers that are available in the nation.

The subjects to be selected by the students are categorized into two groups: The Core Subjects and The Elective subjects. Apart from the main two, The Trade subjects are also added as backup - backup: to help the student move into entrepreneurship in order to be able to make a living incase such persons are not immediately employed. 

The Core subjects are compulsory subjects that all secondary school students must do them. They're important subjects that will provide basic knowledge about human beings and what they deal with in everyday life.

The Core subjects are mainly 4: The first is GENERAL MATHEMATICS; The second, ENGLISH; The third, CIVIC EDUCATION; and The fourth, is one of any trade subjects which could be: Fisheries, Auto electrical work, Catering, or Book keeping. To make the subjects list complete for an external examination such as WAEC, NECO, or GCE which normally requires 8-9 subjects, 3,4, to 5 Elective subjects will be chosed from an area of one's career choice. An area of one's career choice or specialization is what determines the Elective subjects one has to do as Elective subjects are subjects that are concerned with one's desired career.

There Are Four Areas In Which Elective Subjects Can Be Selected From. They're:

Science and Mathematics


Business Studies



List Of Related Senior Secondary School Subjects Required For Careers

The subjects that are being taught in the senior secondary school level are subjects that enlighten the students on the kind of work that is required in careers that the subjects implicate or is related to. It builds the students with the attitudes and skills that will be required in any career of their choice. 

For students to know the subjects to select and combine for studies and exams in school, they'll have to know the career they would like to go into, and the area of studies which the careers fall under.

Career choice is a good step to take after the senior secondary school one (sss1) where subjects in all areas of study are taught. The core (compulsory subjects e.g Maths and English) and elective subjects(career related subjects e.g Biology and Government) are taught to students to build their knowledge for personal usage and enlightenment on careers and the relationship the taught subjects have with it. This makes it easier for students who are in the senior secondary school three(3) to be sure of courses to pursue in the university or or other tertiary school institutions.

Careers are of various kinds. In Nigeria, below are mentioned careers, subject combinations that introduces students to the various nature of career jobs, and the area of studies that influences career jobs.

Careers, It Areas, And Subject Combinations Required

Area: Science And Mathematics

Possible Careers: Medicine, Geography, Nursing, Engineering, Physiology, Dentistry, Biochemistry, Agricultural Science.

Subject Combination: English Language, Mathematics, any Trade Subject, Computer Studies, Agricultural Science, Physical Education, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Further Mathematics.

Area: Business Studies

Possible Careers: Accountancy, Banking and Finance, Economics, Business Administration, Marketing, Insurance, Secretarial Studies.

Subject Combination: English Language, Mathematics, any Trade Subject, Civic Education, Store Management, Financial Accounting, Commerce, Office Practice, Computer Studies.

Area: Technology

Possible Careers: Architecture, Town Planning, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Textile Engineering, Surveying, Estate Management.

Subject Combination: English Language, Mathematics, any Trade Subject, Civic Education, Computer Studies, Technical Drawing, General Metal Work, Basic Electricity, Wood Work.

Area: Humanities Or Arts

Possible Careers: Philosophy, Mass Communication, Law, Local/Foreign Languages, Dramatic Arts, Music, Geography, Guidance and Counseling, Archeology, Creative Art, Education.

Subject Combination: English Language, General Mathematics, any Trade Subject, Civic Education, Literature in English, History, Visual Arts, CRK or Islamic Religious Education, Languages (Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, French), Geography, Computer Studies.

Four Areas Of Career Studies And Secondary School Subjects Beneath Them

Subjects Under this areas are considered to be elective subjects - subjects with career implications or relations. They are:

Science And Mathematics

Futher Mathematics




Computer Studies

Physical Education

Health Education

Agricultural Science


Basic Electronic

Technical Drawing

Building Construction

Metal Work

Wood Work

Auto Mechanics

Clothing and Textiles

Home Management

Food and Nutrition

Computer Studies

Business Studies

Financial Accounting

Office Practice



Store Management


Computer Studies


Literature in English


Visual Arts





Christian Religious Studies


Languages(Igbo, Yoruba, French, etc.)

Computer Studies

Islamic Studies

How Subjects Are Selected And Combined For Examination In Senior Secondary Schools

Senior secondary schools in Nigeria is a level where students get to select and combine subjects that will fill them up from the basics with the knowledge on what career they're hoping to practice or go into. Students will have to choose 8, 9 or more subjects that will comprise of core subjects, trade subjects, and elective subjects to study on. The core subjects happens to be compulsory subjects that all senior secondary school students must do. It is usually four in number of subjects, and one of it happens to be a trade subject.

The elective subjects are subjects that have implications or is connected to the career choices any student would chose one out of the list to do. The students will have to chose 4 or 5 elective subjects and add it to the four(4) compulsory core subjects to make it a total of 8 or 9 subjects that they'll be placed on examinations on - examinations such as WAEC OR NECO so as to determine, from the students results after the exams, if the students should go ahead to pursue their desired career in the university.

Chosing Core And Elective Subjects

As you know of electives subjects to be subjects that are career related, what you would also want to know and be sure of are the subjects in the particular area of career you would like to go into. You should ask yourself questions like: The subjects involved in that area of career or specialization, am I capable of understanding and solving problems concerning them? Do they match with my personality and capabilities?

To chose subjects in relation to the career you'll have to consider the area which it is under; there are four areas: Science and Mathematics, Business Studies, Humanities, and Technology.


If you want to do any of these CAREERS: Medicine-Doctor, Chemistry-Lab Scientists, or Engineering-Electrical Engineer, The AREA they are under is Science and Mathematics. Under the area of Science and Mathematics are the elective subjects that will be required for the mentioned careers above. Some of the elective subjects are: Biology, Chemistry, Futher Mathematics, and Physics. You'll require the first four compulsory subjects which is known as the core subjects which are English, Mathematics, Civic Education and Auto Electrical Work, or any other trade subject of your choice, and the elective subjects which are Biology, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, and physics to complete the 8 or 9 subjects required for Training on desired career.

Other Areas Also Have Different Subjects Combination Depending On The Careers Available:

Some Senior secondary schools in Nigeria which are in three(3) levels: the senior secondary one, two, and three do add, combine provide subjects from all areas of career to the compulsory four core subjects for students in senior secondary one(1) - SSS1. Example: Chemistry and Biology in the Area of SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS, Financial Accounting and Commerce in the Area of BUSINESS STUDIES, Government and Christian Religious Knowledge in the Area of HUMANITIES, and Food and Nutrition and Computer Studies in the Area of TECHNOLOGY are added to the four compulsory subjects listed above, making the subjects 12 or above in some cases. This might seem stressful, but it's a practice that will help students know the subjects they would prefer over other subjects when they will have to chose on their desired elective subjects when promoted to SSS2 as it's compulsory for everyone at SSS1.

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